Foundation’s Coaching Philosophy: to help athletes develop and manage the attributes that contribute to health, sustainability, and success as an athlete while also thriving in life, relationships, and work.
I look forward to helping you reach your goals!
Renee Hodges
Doctor of PHYSICAL THERapy
ITCA Certified Triathlon Coach + USA Weight lifting L1 Coach
Renee has been a competitive runner since the late 90's. She has completed numerous Marathons (including Boston), an Ultra marathon, numerous Triathlons (3 x Ironman Finisher + 70.3 World Championships) and has a strong love for trail running, racing and endurance hiking events.
Throughout the years of pursuing her own athletic goals, Renee has experienced relative energy deficiency (REDs), hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA), over training syndrome (OTS), burnout, injury, and severe self-doubt. Renee melds her knowledge as a physical therapist + endurance coach along with the knowledge gained from her mistakes to help her athletes find a sustainable path towards achieving their goals.
renee’s pricing:
All fees below cover a 4-week cycle
(see below for details of what is offered in each plan + set-up fee)
Single Sport Fee: $400
Multisport Fee: $475
*Set-up Fee: $100
*Set-up fee is waived for all patients transferring from physical therapy care to a coaching plan.
For additional questions related to coaching, please inquire with Renee Hodges, DPT at:
(480) 650-7364
what's included IN the COACHING PLANS
Set-up Fee Includes:
Assessment with Renee Hodges, DPT, ITCA + USAW L1 Coach
Review of goals, athletic history, previous injuries, schedule
Functional movement assessment
Detailed strength, flexibility and range of motion assessment
Running Gait Assessment via video capturing for future review and comparison of changes
Specific exercise plan to address outcomes of above assessments
Training plan includes:
Delivery of workouts every two weeks
Athlete specific strength training programmed 2-3 x week
Phone call every other week (30 minutes)
Feedback on workouts provided one time a week or more frequently upon athlete’s request
Workout modifications as needed
Text messaging and email communication as frequent as needed
Frequent testing throughout season
Education provided on evidence based best practices for performance nutrition and hydration