What is RED-s?Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-s)
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-s) is "The syndrome of impaired physiological and/or psychological function caused by exposure to problematic (prolonged and/or severe) LEA [low energy availability].”
LCA [low carbohydrate availability] is an energy-independent or magnifying effect on the accelerated development of RED-s outcomes.
The detrimental outcomes of RED-s include but, are not limited to:
Impaired Reproductive Function, Impaired Bone Health, Impaired GastroIntestinal Function, Impaired Energy Metabolism/Regulation, Impaired Haematological Function, Urinary Incontinence, Impaired Glucose & Lipid Metabolism, Mental Health Issues, Impaired Neurocognitive Function, Sleep Disturbances, Impaired Cardiovascular Function, Reduced Muscle Function, Impaired Growth Development, Reduced Immunity
Decreased Training Response, Decreased Recovery, Decreased Cognitive Performance/Skill, Decreased Motivation, Decreased Muscle Strength, Decreased Endurance Performance, Decreased Power Performance, Decreased Athletic Availability
Males and Females are effected by REDs: “There is a wide range in the reported estimated prevalence of LEA/REDs indicators in female (23%-79.5%) and male (15%-70%) athletes across a variety of sports.”
Resource: Mountjoy et al., 2023
Throughout the years of pursuing her own athletic goals, Renee has experienced relative energy deficiency (REDs), hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA), over training syndrome (OTS), burnout, injury, and severe self-doubt. Renee melds her knowledge as a physical therapist + endurance coach along with experience working with athletes with REDs, Eating Disorders(ED)/Disordered Eating (DE) to help her athletes find a sustainable path towards achieving their goals.