Women For Tri: Introduction To Triathlon Training Program (Gilbert, AZ)

June 28, 2018, Kick-Off Party, Women For Tri: Introduction To Triathlon Training Program 

June 28, 2018, Kick-Off Party, Women For Tri: Introduction To Triathlon Training Program 

Because of the generosity of the Women For Tri grant initiative, Foundation Physical Therapy and Endurance Coaching is offering a free, 12 week, introduction to triathlon training program. The  Foundation coaches as well as 16 mentors are assisting over 30 women to accomplish their goal of completing their first triathlon on September 29, 2018.

On Thursday, June 28th, our program kicked off with an informational meeting. We were blown away by the attendance, interest, and vast backgrounds of the participants. 

Our goal is to uphold the mission of Women For Tri by breaking down barriers and creating community through offering weekly seminars and workouts along with providing a structured 12 week at-home training plan. Our mentors have been matched up with each athlete to help them along the way. 


Thank you to those that have offered your support in organizing this program: Coach Danelle, Coach Andrea, Dionne Socie, and Olivia Sparks.

Thank you to our 16 mentors whom have graciously volunteered their time.

Thank you to Queen Creek Running Company, Cadence Running Company, The Bike Shop, Sole Sports, TriFeTri and ROKA for your donations and discounts.

We are excited to watch our athletes progress from beginners to finishers at the Mesa Sprint Triathlon on September 29, 2018. Stayed tuned for updates of their progress along the way. 

#whywetri #womenfortri #FoundationPT