
In the research study, Running Technique is an Important Component of Running Economy and Performance, the researchers found that posture, or how the trunk was held while running had a major influence on running economy. 

Running economy is the amount of oxygen (or energy) that is required of the body to run at a particular pace. Performance during distance running depends on sustained, predominately aerobic energy production and the conversion of this energy into forward movement (1). The less oxygen that is required of the body, the more efficient the body will be in it’s ability to sustain a particular pace. 

So, according to the research study mentioned above, a posture that is held steady, with minimal extraneous rotation and minimal up and down movement (vertical oscillation), was found to be correlated with improved running economy. 

The video below demonstrates an exercise, the Farmer's March, which may be performed to improve trunk control and posture while running. 

Focus points while performing the exercise:

  1. Stay tall!

  2. Knee of stance leg should be straight, but not locked.

  3. Avoid trunk lean towards stance leg. 

  4. Land with toes of moving leg against the ground, then kiss the heel to the ground.

  5. Avoid gripping the toes (may be helpful to perform barefoot).

Happy training and thank you for reading! 

  1. Folland, J. P., Allen, S. J., Black, M. I., Handsaker, J. C., & Forrester, S. E. (2017). Running Technique is an Important Component of Running Economy and Performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise49(7), 1412–1423. doi: 10.1249/mss.0000000000001245